The Power of Transparency: Individual Investors Demand ESG Data They Can Trust

  • Investment , Data
  • 25.05.2021 10:00 am

Workiva Inc. today released findings from a survey that reveals approximately 70% of individual investors believe organizations have a responsibility to demonstrate ESG performance to investors, with Gen Z and younger Millennial-aged investors (18-34 year-olds) the most demanding around ESG credentials.  

The survey revealed transparency around ESG disclosures is becoming integral to investor decisions, and companies will undoubtedly experience increased pressure from investors to be able to report on their progress. 

Top Survey Trends in UK

  • Difficulty in Trusting Data. When asked if they found it difficult to trust what companies are disclosing what they’re doing for the environment and society, only 10% of respondents disagreed. 
    • In addition, 62% of respondents stated they find it difficult to judge whether companies are doing the right thing when it comes to the environment and society.
  • Data is the Key. One-third of survey respondents (31%) noted they trust ESG performance more when reported through numbers and data than qualitative descriptions —  this increased to 43% for 18-34 year olds. 
    • 66% of individual investors believe that companies should make it easier for them to judge ESG efforts through data.
    • 44% of individual investors surveyed expressed that they would be more likely to invest in a company that demonstrates its ESG performance. This sentiment increased to 55% for Gen Z and Millennial aged investors across all regions. 
  • Younger Investors Know What They Want.  Awareness around ESG is especially high for under 34 year olds, with 72% being aware of ESG, and of this group nearly a quarter (24%) claimed to know a lot about it. 
    • 57% of Gen Z and Millennials believe that ESG will continue to become more important due to climate change.
  • Nearly three-quarters (72%) of 18 – 34 year olds want to know whether a company lives up to their social and moral beliefs before they invest in them.

This survey of individual investors comes on the heels of large institutional investors and asset managers extolling the benefits of integrating ESG metrics as a key factor in building their investment portfolios, as well as trends in new regulations requiring non-financial reporting. 

“Our survey findings represent a powerful motivation for organisations to take a serious look at how they are reporting ESG and other non-financial data,” said Julie Iskow, chief operating officer of Workiva. “We believe there is a real competitive advantage in attracting today’s modern investors with a commitment to corporate transparency.”

“The survey indicates that investors want to see earnings growth, deeper data transparency and progress in all areas of ESG. This will require a technology solution that can deliver accuracy and simplify the complex process of collecting and reporting non-financial data; Workiva is revolutionising how companies approach ESG reporting with a solution that does just that,” added Iskow.

Workiva's cloud-based platform creates a connected and controlled ecosystem that streamlines the integration of financial and non-financial information. ESG and finance teams can collect, assemble and report data on one secure platform, allowing businesses to keep pace with the rapidly growing demand for trusted transparent data and proof of ESG forward-looking business goals. 

Check out the ESG Survey results or learn more about Workiva’s purpose-built ESG reporting solution.


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