ESG Investment North America Virtual Summit – by Reuters Events Markets

  • Investment
  • 03.08.2020 11:25 am

Reuters Events hosts the leading, North American institutional investor forum bringing financially critical ESG insights to mainstream investors. Join a two-day agenda that provides market leading strategies alongside practical ESG guidance, delivered by leading asset managers, asset owners, senior regulators, policy makers, data innovators and more.

Register for free here: ESG Investment North America Virtual Summit (October 13th-14th 2020)

Confirmed Executive Speakers from:

New York Life Investment Management, Candriam, Schroders, Tiedemann Advisors, Vontobel Quality Growth, MassMutual, Nuveen, BNP Parabis, DWS, Boston Consulting Group, UBS, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Asset Management, Allianz Global Investors, Fidelity, M&G Investments, Invesco, Federated Hermes and many more!

Exclusive Insights Delivered Through Four Key Themes

  • Financial Materiality and Adoption: Evolving risks and exciting opportunities are unlocked through clear analysis of ESG factors. Understand the influences dictating the rapid evolution of ESG financial materiality. Are you moving fast enough? What does progress look like? Get the exclusive insights from industry forerunners, leading asset owners, senior regulators and influential international players.
  • Standards, Frameworks and Regulation: Hear direct from leading standard setters, industry pioneers, and the SEC on their methodology for determining future best practice and regulation. Understand global public and political pressures that are fuelling the pace of change. Position yourself to proactively take steps now and stay ahead.
  • Taxonomy and Building ESG Literacy: Align clients, corporates and investors to the same understanding of ESG. Unlock greater transparency and trust through clear taxonomy and practical learning of ESG analytical skills. Know what constitutes good ESG data, where to find it, how to make it comparable, and how to communicate the insights.
  • Strategic Challenges and Opportunities: Go beyond data and learn the methodologies employed by the most successful managers to enhance their understand of materiality and extract the financial rewards this brings. Techniques for opportunity identification, discussion on ‘exclusion’ and practical steps you can take to advance your ESG journey.

5 reasons why you should attend the Summit

  1. Plan your 2021 strategy with speaker keynotes sharing insights on how we can deliver a clean and inclusive global recovery
  2. Takeaway valuable lessons from the live panel and Q&A sessions on the latest strategies and innovations in ESG strategy, data, regulation, communication and more.
  3. Learn from examples with confirmed case studies form the asset managers, and asset owners leading towards a financial, environmental and socially sustainable future
  4. Don’t miss a thing – your registration gives you access to the sessions from ESG Investment North America and ESG Investment Europe! You can be sure to connect with leading solution providers in the digital exhibition
  5. Stay safe at home with all the business-critical insights free-of-charge to view at your leisure and help you plan your transformational investment strategies

To give a brief introduction to Reuters Events ‘virtual events’ - The virtual event is much more than a series of typical webinars, an expected 6,000-9,000 ESG Investment professionals will tune in live to our newly developed, proprietary, virtual conference platform. The platform enables participation and interaction with live panel discussion broadcasts, interviews, and presentations. A targeted and bespoke networking service enables 1-1 meetings. Virtual workshops engage invited participants to more interactive roundtable discussions. A virtual and interactive exhibition showcases the latest offerings from solution providers. And an On-Demand capacity provides longevity to the insights shared during the agenda sessions.  

Register for free here: ESG Investment North America Virtual Summit (October 13th-14th 2020)

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