Robocash Hits the Mark of €60M Funds Raised

  • Fundraising News
  • 22.09.2022 12:20 pm

A soft September brought a new milestone of €63M attracted investments. The platform is also approaching half a billion euros of purchased loans.

To date, more than 27 thousand investors have joined the platform. Over the summer, there was an average 6% monthly increase in registrations. Germany still leads the number of investors. Spain and France are in second and third place respectively. 

Since its launch, the platform has already attracted more than €60M, and investors have earned almost €10M. In general, September shows the expected decline in investor activity. According to the current trend, the amount of funds added by investors this month is 20% less than during the same period in August.

September is also marked by a slight decrease in transactions in the secondary market, thus showing that investors tend to keep their loans to themselves rather than sell them for the early exit.

“Weak seasonality gives us the opportunity to focus on internal development, mainly on optimizing the site interface and developing investment strategies that will make the work with the platform even easier and more convenient”. - comments Nadezhda Vlasenko, Product owner of 

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