Diasoft listed in Gartner Market Guide for Digital Banking Multichannel Solutions 2022

  • Digital banking
  • 09.02.2022 10:05 am

Diasoft is proud to announce that it has been recognized in Gartner Market Guide for Digital Banking Multichannel Solutions 2022 with its omnichannel Digital Q.Omnichannel platform.

Gartner’s Market Guide for Digital Banking Multichannel Solutions is one of the most prominent reports covering the global digital banking market. According to Gartner, “customer service capabilities are being digitally enabled into multichannel customer journeys, complementing mobile and online banking. Bank CIOs should evaluate these solutions by assessing channel-specific functions, curation of common APIs and availability of metrics to support best practices”. The guide aims to provide useful insight on digital banking platforms to CIOs in financial institutions who are responsible for financial services technology modernization and transformation.

Digital solutions comprising the Digital Q.Omnichannel platform help financial services companies to successfully solve their digital transformation tasks and improve their customer reach. Leveraging modern technologies and the microservice architecture of such solutions, Diasoft customers successfully expand their market presence through implementation of new channels and integration with digital ecosystems and marketplaces, create consistent customer experience in all touch points, improve TTM and streamline customer service business processes.

“We are proud to have met strict inclusion criteria and to be named a representative vendor in Gartner’s Market Guide for Digital Banking Multichannel Solutions among the most prominent global vendors,” commented Evgeny Sentyabrev, Head of Digital Solutions, Diasoft. “Digital Q.Omnichannel platform Digital Q facilitates digital transformation of financial institutions and helps digital leaders to integrate customer services into convenient digital customer journeys. The platform combines ready-to-use financial business processes, business applications and digital channels with the most advanced microservice technology and low-code development tools. This combination helps Digital Q customer to quickly and effectively create modern customer engagement channels, design and deliver popular financial products and leverage modern technologies to enable inhouse development of new business functions for improved business agility.”

The full report is available here: https://www.gartner.com/doc/4010047

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