World's 5th largest fund administrator Apex has selected GoldenSource

  • Data
  • 28.02.2019 07:18 am

GoldenSource today announced that it has been selected by Apex Group Ltd. (“Apex”), the world’s fifth largest fund administrator, to deliver its centralised pricing and reference data service. 

GoldenSource’s EDM SaaS solution delivers improved operating and cost efficiencies through the standardisation of data management across multiple business functions. Apex plans to leverage the platform to support its ongoing impressive growth trajectory with the smooth integration of systems and applications.

The Apex Group delivers a broad range of services to asset managers globally, from fund administration and corporate services to middle office, banking and depositary solutions. The group’s total asset under administration (“AUM”) is now $600bn with offices in 40+ locations worldwide. GoldenSource’s centralised pricing and reference data service will support operations as the business continues to scale, providing uniform operational data management and a data store to deliver the highest standards of data quality and lineage across the global business.

Apex plans to leverage the GoldenSource platform and application services to support the smooth on boarding ability of other data types, such as reference and transaction data, to provide a harmonised view of the Group’s data assets. This will enable the on-boarding of further acquisitions to the centralised data repository and make reporting available across the group. 

Chris Mulhern, Global Head of Operational Strategy at Apex: “It’s no simple task when integrating the data infrastructure of separate businesses. We’re looking to standardise, streamline and reduce point-to-point integrations, duplication and the need for reconciliations. A centralised data infrastructure is the best way forward for us, so with GoldenSource we can continue along our current growth trajectory with even greater ease.” 

Jon Hallam, Global Head of OnDemand Services at GoldenSource: “During the selection process it quickly became clear that our track record, long term stability and experience were the right fit to underpin Apex’s long-term plans. We will track and monitor all processing real-time, helping to operate and make changes at a higher frequency, making sure the needs of Apex’s clients can always be met to the highest standards.” 

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