FICO Announces New Virtual Event, “Taking Control: Digital Transformation in the New Normal”

  • Covid-19 , Banking , FinTech StartUps
  • 06.11.2020 11:15 am

The latest FICO Virtual Event – Taking Control: Digital Transformation in the New Normal – will be a week-long event beginning Monday, November 9, 2020.

“Before the pandemic, many firms were on a digital transformation journey,” said Nikhil Behl, chief marketing officer at FICO. “This global crisis not only accelerated that journey, but it has created a ‘new normal’ that will exist beyond the pandemic. At our event, along with industry experts, we will share what we’ve learned from the current crisis, plus past economic downturns and upheavals. We’ll talk about real solutions that can help companies take control of this ‘new normal’ and create conditions to thrive and grow.”

Taking Control: Digital Transformation in the New Normal is the second in a series of FICO virtual events designed to help global organizations take a customer-centric approach to their digital transformation by combining data from different sources, applying analytics, predicting consumer behavior, and then optimizing interactions with consumers based on that insight. Next week’s event will include 75 sessions presented in three key tracks:

  • Customer Digital Journey – Delivering engaging, personalized and valuable customer interactions through digital channels is now the prime directive for every organization. This requires the reengineering of legacy processes to create an intelligent, highly automated customer lifecycle journey, from acquisition and onboarding through account management and collections.
  • Fraud in a Faceless Environment – Due to social distancing, many interactions have gone from in person to digital and contactless, with more fraudsters taking advantage of the situation and rapidly evolving the criminal landscape.
  • A Foundation to Build On – Building decision intelligence applications and delivering prescriptive analytics wherever and whenever needed is challenging even in the best of times. However, establishing a future-proof platform with analytic and AI powered insights, state-of-the-art optimization, and decision rules solutions can help businesses transform into customer-centric, automated and intelligent enterprises.

Keynote sessions presented by industry experts include:

  • Money Muling in a New World: How to Keep Customers Safe with the Influx of New Threats, Julie Conroy, research director for fraud and AML at Aite Group
  • Digital Transformation in a Post-Pandemic World, Jim Marous, financial industry strategist and publisher of The Financial Brand
  • Shadow Banking – The Apps Your Customers are Using that You Don’t Know About, Ron Shevlin, director of research at Cornerstone Advisors
  • Deliver Secured Products in a Cloud Based Solution, Jas Haure, security leader at AWS and Hilik Kolter, CISO at FICO
  • What Customers Want (and Aren’t Getting from Their Banks), Gunny Scarfo, co-founder of Nonfiction Research and Anna Hamilton, vice president of customer development portfolio marketing

Learn more about this event series and register at

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