VST Enterprises advances public sector procurement profile

  • Cloud
  • 03.07.2018 11:52 am

Technology firm accepted onto government cloud services framework

 VST Enterprises, which developed the technology allowing genuine users to authenticate themselves across online transactions and interactions, has been accepted onto the latest version of the government’s cloud services framework, G-Cloud 10.

The G-Cloud framework is an agreement between the government and suppliers who provide cloud-based hosting, software or support services. Public sector organisations use this digital marketplace to buy services more quickly and cheaply than if they had to enter into individual procurement contracts with each supplier.

Since the basic terms of use have already been agreed between the government and suppliers, public sector buyers can purchase services from VST Enterprises without running a full OJEU (Official Journal of the European Union) procurement process each time.

“There are several elements to our VCode/VPlatform that are valuable to public sector enterprises,” explains Melissa Henry, Operations Director of VST Enterprises. “The technology can be used to authenticate the identity of users and secure transaction data, increasing the security of personal information and confidential records. It also enables full traceability, helping authorities to tackle counterfeiting and piracy and improve tax and excise practices.”

In 2014, the EU commission passed legislation stating that all items entering the EU must prove their provenance. A report produced by the European Innovation Network identified VCode as the only standalone technology that could address this issue and VST Enterprises has received the EU Seal of Excellence for its solution.

Having a presence on G-Cloud is not a guarantee of winning public sector business. However, VST Enterprises already has a number of deals in the works with those such as Isle of Man Post Office and York Council, proving the robustness of its offering.

One of the remits of the G-Cloud framework is to encourage smaller firms to pitch for business. As of the end of last year, almost half (48%) of the £2.85bn of sales generated went to SMEs.

“This is clearly a healthy trend,” says Hendry. “By working with innovative UK companies like us, the public sector gets access to a wider range of skills and expertise. A more diverse supply chain is a key element in achieving value for money in procurement as well as further developing the UK technology sector.”

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