Celoxica announces hardware-accelerated OPRA ticker plant

  • Infrastructure
  • 03.08.2015 01:00 am

Celoxica, the leading provider of accelerated market data, order entry and pre-trade risk solutions for the electronic trading community, today announced the launch of the Celoxica Ticker Plant (CTP) for OPRA.
OPRA, the Options Price Reporting Authority, which provides market data for 12 US options exchanges, is set for a substantial growth in message volumes later in 2015 when new options exchanges ISE Mercury and BATS EDGX Options go live. OPRA’s message capacity at that time is projected to be in excess of 50 million messages per second.
Celoxica’s CTP is a distributed ticker plant designed specifically to handle these unprecedented message volumes. A hybrid software and hardware-accelerated solution delivered via a single server using FPGA technology, CTP for OPRA enables consumers of OPRA market data to reduce their data centre footprint by an order of magnitude compared with traditional software solutions, while achieving consistent low single-digit microsecond latency.
Celoxica’s FPGA technology is used in Thomson Reuters Elektron Direct Feed, which provides high performance access to real-time data from a range of venues, and which was recently expanded to include OPRA. Celoxica has also worked with Thomson Reuters to enable the OPRA CTP solution to be integrated into Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform (TREP).
Lee Staines, Global Head of Sales at Celoxica said, “We are very excited about adding OPRA data to our CTP solution and enabling our growing number of latency-sensitive clients to significantly reduce their server footprint for managing OPRA data in addition to their current equities and futures infrastructure. Furthermore, with CTP specifically designed to efficiently handle the continued expected growth in market data volumes for Options and other asset classes, it’s clear why Celoxica’s technology is now being adopted throughout the enterprise.

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