FinTech Network have partnered with Melonport to demonstrate how smart contracts could have prevented two high profile finance scandals

  • Blockchain
  • 08.06.2017 01:00 pm

With many organisations still working on POC’s for blockchain technology, FinTech Network have partnered with Melonport to demonstrate how smart contracts could have made a fundamental difference in two of the highest profile finance scandals and mitigated the loss of millions of dollars: 

This opinion piece, authored by Melonport, focuses on:

• Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme and how smart contracts could have helped improve auditability, transparency and conflict of interest ultimately preventing the disappearance of funds
• The Fall of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and how smart contracts could have been used to prevent excessive leverage and prevent a similar scenario from unfolding again

The whitepaper is available for review at

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