Bank of England To Start A Blog

  • Banking
  • 19.06.2015 01:00 am

Our goal is to bring more of our thinking into the public domain and to showcase our analytical and research output. We hope to contribute to the wider debate on areas that are relevant to the Bank’s work.

Last year, the Bank’s Strategic Plan called for a new publication giving insight into topical issues from a staff perspective rather than that of the Monetary Policy Committee, Financial Policy Committee or Prudential Regulation Authority Board. And so Bank Underground was born, with its name chosen by an internal vote from a shortlist compiled from ideas nominated by staff.

On Bank Underground, authors write in an individual capacity and there is no “house view”. Since our analysis feeds into the policy-making process, you can expect to find some posts here that broadly accord with the Bank’s official views or provide further underpinning for them. But as there are diverse views held by those who work here, you can also expect to read posts which differ from the Bank’s official position, external consensus and even other contributors to the blog.

We aim to publish two or three posts a week and our content seeks to span the whole range of the Bank’s analytical work - regulation, financial stability, monetary policy, macroeconomics, supervision, banknotes, markets, resolution and more besides.

Different posts will employ different styles and tools - techy statistical analysis, dipping into the Bank’s archives, wonkish theoretical pieces, imagining future challenges, model simulations, big data and anything else we can think of. But whatever we write about, we aim to do it in a readable, engaging and accessible way.

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