Schroders Luxembourg Goes Live on Clarient Entity Hub
- 8 years 9 months ago
- Asset Management, Infrastructure
Clarient reports that Schroders Luxembourg has gone live on Clarient Entity Hub, a utility-based service designed to simplify client data and document management. The adoption of the service by a leading asset management firm builds upon the momentum Clarient has generated over the past year and brings the total number of users to more than 100.
OMAM Welcomes Stuart Bohart to its Board of Directors
- 8 years 9 months ago
- Asset Management, People Moves
OM Asset Management reports that Stuart Bohart has been named to its Board of Directors. Mr. Bohart was President of Liquid Markets at Fortress Investment Group LLC until his retirement in 2015, and served in a number of senior roles at Morgan Stanley prior to joining Fortress in 2010. Mr. Bohart will fill a vacancy created when Ian D. Gladman, Group Strategy Director at Old Mutual plc, resigned from the Board to focus on his executive duties at... more