Expersoft Systems AG Reveals of New Software & Services Solution for Independent Asset Managers

  • Asset Management
  • 04.05.2017 08:45 am

Expersoft Systems AG, the market leader in software for asset management, launches a completely new outsourcing offer for the Independent Asset Manager community with AM-One AG, an independent subsidiary. AM-One will become the leading ‘One-Stop-Shop’ Solution Provider for Independent Asset Managers by combining services, software, and hosting into a unique end-to-end offering, thereby enabling IAMs to achieve unrivalled customer-oriented focus and cost-efficiency.

IAMs face multiple challenges in the form of imminent new regulations (MiFID II, FIDLEG, FINIG, etc.), increasing margin pressure, and an ever-expanding list of customer requirements, especially in the area of digitisation. This forces Independent Asset Managers to rethink their business processes and their operating models.

Our goal is to offer an attractive and integrated solution to the issues facing smaller- and medium- sized IAMs, which will allow them to act on the level as the larger IAMs and banks. To achieve this goal, we have consistently applied leading-edge industrialisation approaches,” says Philipp Bisang, CEO of Expersoft.

AM-One enables IAMs to improve customer experience, to offer new digital channels to end customers, and to efficiently drive their own growth through the AM-One platform. At its core, AM- One utilises PM1, the award-winning PMS & CRM software from Expersoft, which provides a fully integrated solution as part of the standard offering, plus the security of working with a trusted and experienced partner in technologically challenging times. The application is hosted in a private cloud approved by FINMA in Switzerland and offered to customers with the highest security standards ‘as-a- service’.

The compliance and back office services are provided through the specialist, first-class, and well- established service partners  Geissbühler Weber & Partner Services AG (Compliance) and  Dubris AG (Backoffice) under AM-One. “By unifying core competences in software, compliance and back office, AM-One was launched as a ‘one-stop shop’ to meet the needs of the changing market. Each service partner with their own specialist areas guarantees the customer the best service as a composite part of the overall AM-One solution,” adds Philipp Bisang.

AM-One also offers comprehensive and complementary Business Consulting to IAMs so that they can fully exploit the potential of the AM-One platform, optimise their processes, and achieve key benefits to their clients and their organisation.

François Jeannet, managing partner of strategy consultancy firm  mas states that “The IAM market, including the associated service market, is becoming more and more competitive, with multiple market drivers generating new demands on the IAM business. Against this background, it is essential that the IAM focuses on the sustainability of the outsourcing partner and the integration of the various elements into a complete solution when choosing its operating platform. Only a large customer base allows for scale effects and investment power to keep up with industry developments and to offer IAMs a ‘state of the art’ solution. As an independent and agile subsidiary of the 25 years old Expersoft Systems, AM-One is well positioned for this challenge.

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