Financial IT Spring Issue 2020

  • 15 Apr, 2020 02:00 am

Only some of the articles that have been contributed to this edition of Financial IT deal with the impact of the COVID-19 virus, which become seen as a global pandemic in mid-March. As of 15 April, the epicentre of the pandemic appears to have moved from Europe to the United States. COVID-19 is yet to be brought under control. In particular, it is unclear what will be the best way of preventing the virus from overwhelming the fragile healthcare systems in many developing countries.

Nevertheless, a number of trends and themes that are very relevant to Fintech are already apparent. 

At an extraordinary time, there is always at least one X-Factor – something that changes radically but which is not obvious until a pandemic (or war) has been raging for some months. Whatever that X-Factor may be on this occasion, we are very confident that it will provide an opportunity for, and not a threat to, Fintech.

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