Financial IT August-September Issue 2017

  • 07 Sep, 2017 05:00 am

As its name suggests, Financial IT seeks to identify change and to promote thought leadership at the meeting point of two industry verticals: financial services and IT. Both are broadly defined, and include several substantial industries. Both underpin the functioning of all other industry verticals, such as healthcare, capital goods and energy. Perhaps most importantly, both the financial services and IT industry verticals are global in scope.

This last fact would not be immediately obvious from a casual reading of Financial IT. Nor, for that matter, would it be obvious from most publications that devote themselves to thought leadership in relation to financial services or IT. Financial IT is written in English. The majority of the contributors represent companies that are based primarily in North America or Europe. Not coincidentally, North America and Europe are the two parts of the world where regulation – one of the key sources of challenges to be resolved – is changing the fastest. Further, North America and Europe are the regions which have traditionally been home to the Venture Capital and Private Equity (VC/PE) networks that have funded innovation in the IT industry vertical.

However, the centre of gravity in financial services and IT is shifting eastwards. This is a key message from this edition of Financial IT. 

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