APMs for B2B payments – buzzword or next big thing?
To understand why APMs are become increasingly important in B2B payments, let’s first clear up some...
How liquid asset based lending brings benefits to both banks and their customers
Imagine you have a short-term cash need [university fees for your kids] but you do have some long-term...
What is PCI DSS?
As worldwide card fraud continues to rise, it is fundamental that the payments industry steps up to...
Why Leaders Should Choose Digital Optimisation, Not Transformation
The technological revolution in finance means that, rather than being a once in a decade step-change,...
Will banks ever learn?
Yesterday, Facebook announced Libra, a stablecoin to be used for payment in WhatsApp and Facebook...
Cifas Fraudscape 2019: Tackling identity fraud must remain top priority
The latest Cifas figures show worrying trends as identity fraud rose by 10% in 2018, with those aged...
Facebook Libra launch - comment from CREALOGIX
While many in the industry played down the significance of cryptocurrencies since the bursting of the...
Facebook Wants to Take on Banks, Not Bitcoin
Facebook is creating its own cryptocurrency something that even those of us necking the crypto cool aid...
A Modern Data Platform―Cornerstone of Digital Transformation in The Banking Sector
The days of “business as usual” are over for financial institutions. Retail banks, insurers, investment...
Feedback to BCR Ltd's announcement on Capability & Innovation Fund Pool D winners
Pool D, which has been awarded ahead of Pool C, has been designed to promote fintechs relevant to small...