MiFID II Transparency Puts Stress on Data Architecture
With only four months to go until the MiFID II’s Jan. 3, 2018 implementation date, buy-side firms are...
Credit Crunch 10 Years Later: Crisis Shattered Consumers Trust In Traditional Banking Forever
The credit crunch shattered consumers’ unflinching trust in traditional banks forever. Undoubtedly, now...
Avocado Toast and the Struggle to Save
On a regular basis, experts of all sorts take to the media to chastise “the kids” for being immature and...
Going With the Flow – How the Surge in RegTech Innovation Will Lift the Burdens of Compliance for the Financial Sector
Until the financial crisis of 2008-09, the financial services industry had enjoyed almost two decades of...
WANTED: Unified Contactless Kernel at POS
- 7 years 6 months ago 04:00 am
- Milos Dunjic , Associate Vice President, Payment Innovation Technology Solutions at TD Bank
Contactless/proximity payments are promising technology, bringing speed and convenience to the checkout...
Accelerating Integrated Payables and Receivables with APIs
Integrated payables and receivables is not a new concept, but a clear-cut definition of what it entails...
Customer Liability In The Age Of Digital Banking
Who is liable for money lost when fraud occurs in a customer’s bank account or card through...
New Department: Financial Crimes Department
If you have ever shopped on Amazon.com or ordered a movie on Netflix, you most likely have...
Discover How Your Bank Can Become a Change Master
I’ve been a big Doctor Who fan since I first cowered behind my parents’ sofa in Scotland in the early...
The Modern Ghostbusters Keeping Customer Scares at Bay
The news is reporting more and more cases of customers being incorrectly charged for bills such as...