What’s “In Store” for Payments?
Imagine a time when you walk into a shop to do some shopping, and there are no sales staff, no tills and...
CTO Insights: PIN-on-Mobile is Coming
Imagine taking a regular smartphone and turning it into a payment acceptance device with a simple app...
SupTech Revolutionizing the Regulatory Watchdogs
Imagine a capital markets desk of a financial institution where a trader is about to press enter on the...
The Top Challenges of Mobile Banking Security
Banking as we know it is changing. Initiatives such as Open Banking and regulatory frameworks...
Clarity through the DEA Tiers
An ESMA Q&A published this week provides some further guidance regarding the authorization...
Government Investment in Technology is Simply Not Good Enough
This level of investment does not satisfy the need In the Budget, Mr Hammond announced: £75m...
FinTech Comment on Budget Announcement
The fintech industry is going from strength to strength and the UK Government can play an important part...
Make It Possible, Make It Mandatory and Then Move to the Next
- 7 years 2 months ago 02:00 am
- Bo Harald , Chairman/Founding Member at ZEF, Transmeri, Real Time Economy Program
Take structured e-invoicing (PDFs are pictures - worse than paper). Steps: 1. Go for a four...
Beyond London: Three Awesome Up-and-Coming European Fintech Hubs
For a long time, conversation about European fintech has seemingly revolved around London. Indeed, since...
Beat the Black Friday Blues with Faster Payments and Safer Data
While this period brings great opportunity, it also creates considerable challenges. Retailers must...