Crowdfunding is overtaking VC and Angel funding levels
Back in 2010 crowdfunding was a fledgling industry. As with much early stage growth, very little of...
MiFID II data disaggregation – be careful what you wish for!
Under MiFID II pre- and post-trade data is required to be made available in an unbundled fashion –...
Can You Manage a Global Investment Portfolio in Excel?
The pace of private investment is changing. In fact, almost everything in the world of private...
Petrol and startups, a match made in heaven
For anyone starting or joining a startup you need to understand something important. Entrepreneurs, like...
Why the big Banks model is doomed!
The banks are too big to fail. Everyone says it and so it must be true. The last two decades have seen...
Retail money must stay in crowdfunding
There’s a curious “truth” doing the rounds in the peer-to-peer sector. It goes something like this:...
The crowdISA will be the crowdfunding game-changer
With the return of the Conservatives to government many of their policies will see a ‘business as usual...
The Apple-isation of banks: worship on the High Street
“In the third week of September 2014, thousands of people organised themselves into neat lines that...
The wifi payments world of the very near future
I was talking about the internet of things again today, and realised that I have a grand vision of...
Apple Pay: Is the Revolution in Progress?
You'd be hard pressed to find a product launch that generated as much buzz and excitement in the...