Triggered by Regulation: Why the Need to Comply is Driving Financial Services Firms to Adopt Data Management Best Practice
Traditional database architectures are coming up short in today’s data-driven world. Part of the problem...
The Top 5 US Compliance Focuses of 2018 and How to Navigate Them
The US, like many other regions worldwide, is taking regulation more seriously than ever in recent years...
What Lazio’s €2 Million Transfer Payment Scam Teaches us About Modern Payment Fraud
Own goal? Last week saw Lazio (the Italian football club) fall victim to a brazen online scam,...
Mastercard ‘Girls4Tech’ Introduces Students to Cryptology at USA Science and Engineering Festival
Mastercard is looking to inspire the next generation of curious minds with its first-ever appearance at...
What if Banks Go the Way of the Neighborhood Grocer?
To many in the banking industry, the short-term landscape is colored ominous and opportunistic in equal...
Delivering Financial Services Faster and Better: How BFSI can Leverage Agile Transformation
We live in an era of instant gratification. Everything we need has to be delivered on demand–anytime,...
Will 2018 Launch a New Era for Retail Banks?
Last year, retail banks increasingly debated how they would cope in a post-Payments Service Directive II...
Why Banks Must Digitally Transform in 2018 or Risk Fading Away
Wasting time means losing money. That is what digital era businesses cannot bear, and very soon...
Protecting an Open Banking World
- 6 years 11 months ago 09:00 am
- Mary Ann Miller, Senior Director, Fraud, Executive Advisor & Industry Relations at NICE Actimize
How can financial institutions adjust to the benefits and challenges of Open Banking? Interview with...
Payments Innovations And Standards - What Can Physics Teach Us?
In nature, change is constant and inevitable. It is also slow and mainly evolutionary. Everything looks...