‘Open Banking:’ the new normal
Brand loyalty: a thing of the past Banks need to continually innovate in order to stay relevant to...
What are the top risks involved in Organizational Restructuring?
- 6 years 4 months ago 06:00 am
- Breana Patel, CEO/Thought Leader at Bonova Advisory/Risk&Regulatory Advisory
With great organizational change comes great responsibility. Therefore, in order to create a sustainable...
On Cloud Nine - How Banks Can Master the Challenge of Digitalization
Today, banks are facing many challenges, not just high fees and lack of transparency, but competition...
Crypto Firms Excel in Technical Expertise But Have Little Understanding of Risk
- 6 years 4 months ago 08:00 am
- Breana Patel , CEO & Thought Leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory/Risk & Regulatory Advisory
Crypto Firms have great technologies that address a lot of challenges and open up an entire new world of...
Meeting customer demand - striking the right balance
Businesses run on balance sheets – where assets and liabilities are held in equilibrium. If a business...
Brand Protection: Combating Online Counterfeit with AI
Online sales of branded and luxury items have been rising drastically, in the recent decade. While all...
Using Cloud to Relieve the Compliance Burden
A recent survey of more than 360 enterprises revealed that 86% are dealing with the complexity of...
Fingerprint on the Pulse: Biometric Payment News
It’s quite hard to believe that we’re already entering Q4. For the biometrics industry, it’s been a...
New Technologies create new opportunities in trade finance and working capital
At Sibos 2014 in Boston blockchain was the talk of the show and the movement towards adoption of new...
PSD2: The real RTS deadline is closer than banks think
Let’s work backwards. Most banks know that the final deadline to comply with PSD2’s Regulatory Technical...