ESMA sheds light on OTC trade reporting under No-Deal
ESMA has released a statement which amongst other things includes clarification for EU...
Don’t Delay on Technology Investment
In today’s uncertain economic climate, many businesses are loath to make significant decisions before...
Comment on responsible leverage and ESMA’s rules are changing the face of the industry
On 30th July 2018 the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) introduced rules and restrictions...
Does ‘Digital’ really exist?
Digital transformation is the latest trend that every organisation, in every sector, wants a piece of....
Empowering women to Rise Up in Financial Services across the globe
Pre- header: Tracey Davies, President of Money20/20, and founder of the Rise Up initiative, outlines the...
2019: the breakthrough year for open banking
January 2019 marked a year since open banking came into play in Europe. While 2018 saw a steep learning...
Digital Claims Management: Five key Considerations for Insurers
It’s a challenging time to be an established insurance provider. As digital technology transforms the...
Three reasons why finance professionals need to get to grips with big data
Digitisation is a major driving force for change in finance departments, transforming financial...
Comment on Barclays defence of its IT shutdowns highlights wider limitations surrounding how outages and incidents are reported
Since August 2018, the FCA has required banks to supply information about current account services to...
Alternative Credit Scoring – Why Is It So Popular?
Priyank Raj from Mumbai was in a fix. He had...