B2B Payments Set to Be the Next Focus for VC’s in Africa
Africa’s $1.5 trillion B2B payments market is ripe for innovation and represents a golden...
Analyzing the Future of Blockchain Adoption in 2023
Blockchain technology emerged in 2008, even though it only rose to popularity when cryptocurrency became...
The Mobile-Fintech Nexus: Catalyzing the Next Stage of Finance
The correlation between mobile services expansion and fintech cannot be denied in today's increasingly...
The Role of Binance Coin in the Cryptocurrency Market Crash of 2021
The cryptocurrency market crash of 2021 had a significant impact on the entire industry, and Binance...
Finance Industry Needs Three Years to Prepare for the Impact of AI
A new survey of UK human resources (HR) managers and directors working in the finance sector shows they...
The Impact of Downtime on Banks: Navigating Challenges in the Digital Age
Today's highly interconnected world has created a fertile ground for a significant surge in the goods...
Money Laundering and “Money Muling” - a Growing Problem for the Education Sector
The impact of money laundering is devastating – it’s a crime that funds other serious crimes such as...
Does PSD3 Go Far Enough to Power Open Banking Innovation?
The EU Commission’s draft legislation for the future of payments in the European Union (EU) has been...
Five Ways Multicast Data in the Cloud is Transforming Financial Markets
- 1 year 8 months ago 03:00 am
- Wesley Elder, Product Director Capital Markets at Colt Technology Services
The flow of data through the world’s financial markets is a critical force behind the global economy....
The Change in Shopping Behaviour Creating New Opportunities for PSPs
- 1 year 8 months ago 05:00 am
- Amal Ahmed, Director, Financial Services and EMEA Marketing at Signifyd
E-commerce is now the driving force for both retailers and shoppers worldwide. The pandemic accelerated...