3 Ways Smart Scale-Ups Are Doubling the Value of Their Software Investments
Sastrify is a digital procurement platform for Software-as-a-Service products. Founded in summer 2020,...
The Growth Potential of SoftPoS in 2023
In recent years, customers have embraced the ease of use and convenience that contactless payments can...
Can Cloud Computing Still Save Businesses Money in 2023?
AWS re:Invent, held in Las Vegas each December is always a very significant event for anyone involved in...
A Brief History of Cryptocurrencies
Strings of encrypted data represent coins in the cryptocurrency market. A distributed database called a...
Top 3 Technologies to Drive Insurance Industry in 2023
- 2 years 2 weeks ago 09:00 am
- Vivek Agarwal, President at BFSI, HLS and Corporate Development, Tech Mahindra
Insurers were forced to take the pandemic in their stride. Whether it was enabling their vast workforces...
Top Tips for Hosting and Managing Sensitive Blockchain-Based Applications
Cast your mind back to the emergence of cloud around a decade ago. Financial Services (FS) organisations...
Web3 and Insurance
Innovation in the digital world is accelerating. Whilst the web has been in constant transformation...
Fraudsters Double Down on Returns Abuse
Returns abuse has followed the growth of digital commerce like a revenue-draining shadow. But while...
Navigating the Global Payroll Maze with Fintech
As companies continue to expand their reach across the globe, navigating the complexities of...
Complaints Handling and Proactivity Key to Financial Services’ Battle for Customers
The economic climate in the UK isn’t exactly enviable right now. The UK Customer Satisfaction Index (...