Retail money must stay in crowdfunding
There’s a curious “truth” doing the rounds in the peer-to-peer sector. It goes something like this:...
The crowdISA will be the crowdfunding game-changer
With the return of the Conservatives to government many of their policies will see a ‘business as usual...
The Apple-isation of banks: worship on the High Street
“In the third week of September 2014, thousands of people organised themselves into neat lines that...
The wifi payments world of the very near future
I was talking about the internet of things again today, and realised that I have a grand vision of...
Apple Pay: Is the Revolution in Progress?
You'd be hard pressed to find a product launch that generated as much buzz and excitement in the...
MiFID II deadlines under further pressure
The European Commission (EC) and ESMA have agreed on an improved process to draft the Level 2 texts for...
Having your regulatory cake and eating it
This morning I read with interest a colleague’s blog post on the delay to the publication of the ESMA...
Election 2015: What now for the long term savings and investments market?
The 2015 election has given us all a good shake. On the face of it, the status quo is maintained, with...
London FinTech sector: The rise and future of a billion pound industry
Ever since FinTech found life outside of Silicon Valley, it was only a matter of time before London...
MiFID II set to cast its net worldwide
The current MiFID II draft suggests that trading venues have to fulfil the transaction...