How Open Financial Data is Revolutionising the Financial Services Industry
- 2 years 3 months ago 03:00 am
- Chrisol Correia, Global Head, Financial Crime Risk Management at Facctum
Financial institutions are beginning to explore the next stage in the financial data revolution, Open...
AR Automation is the Cost-saving Step All Businesses Need to Take
As the pound plummets, energy bills soar and the UK dips into recession, businesses across every sector...
An Investors View: What Should Investors Look for when Investing in Volatile Markets
The government’s recent ‘mini-budget’ announcement caused huge shock waves across UK financial markets....
Top 5 Holiday Season Fraud Trends
With International Fraud Awareness Week and the holiday shopping season officially underway, analysts...
Time to Double Down on IoT to Combat the Global Economic Slowdown
2022 has been a turbulent year with geo-political, economic and societal issues impacting organisations...
Struggling to Differentiate? How Exceptional CX Could Help You Win Over Digital-savvy Customers
Financial Services organisations are entering a trying time. Business leaders are being kept up at night...
Why Fintechs and Banks are Better Off Working Together
Fintechs and banks have not always been the most comfortable of bedfellows, with the latter seeing the...
Beyond Regulation: The Growing Need for the Financial Services Sector to Embed Operational Resilience
Earlier this year, the FCA began enforcing new rules and guidance relating to operational resilience for...
The Most Critical - and Overlooked - Security Issues Facing Financial Services
- 2 years 3 months ago 05:00 am
- John Meakin, Former CISO at RBC, Standard Chartered, and Deutsche Bank
Data is a major part of the role of any CISO. When it comes to the financial services industry, data is...
How Large Enterprises Can Create a Positive B2B Buyer Experience for their Customers
Ways Large Enterprises Can Create a Positive B2B Buyer Experience for their Customers Deep customer...