New FCA Credit Guidelines Boost FinTechs
On May 31st, the FCA published their much anticipated consultations on High-cost Credit (CP18/12)...
Embracing the Opportunity: Using the GDPR as a Catalyst for Responsible Innovation
For those of us in the privacy and data protection world, May 25 represented a standout milestone. It...
How is the Italian crisis impacting the trading floor?
Earlier this week, I was in Paris speaking to Traders, Heads of Desks and other people on the floor from...
Blockchain Immutability – Blessing or Curse?
I need to warn you right from the start. If you think that the ‘immutability’ of a blockchain is its...
How banks can stay relevant in a changing world
Earlier this week, futurists and innovators from across financial services industry gathered at Mobey...
Financial UX Design is About Saving People's Lives
Most people can remember a situation in their lives in which they experienced a huge amount of stress...
How AR Is Changing the Dynamics of Customer Experience in Banking
Hundreds of millions of mobile devices will have augmented reality (AR) capabilities by the...
PwC:The impact of drones on the UK economy
The recent PwC report into the impact of the drone industry on the UK’s economy, jobs,...
If trade finance, securities settlements and loans get increasingly processed on DLT, then at what point...
What banks can learn from retail disruption
The same degree of disruption that has upended the retail industry is coming to banking, according to...