6 Tips To Help You Improve Your Financial Condition
Are you struggling financially and feel like you cannot get ahead no matter how hard you try? Finances...
Does the Continued Use of ‘Stone Age’ Banking Infrastructure Pose Future Cybersecurity Risks?
The opportunity for large financial reward, and the chance to cause severe business and social...
Beyond the Chat: is ChatGPT Fintech’s Friend or Foe?
For years, having a financial advisor, bank manager, or the like might have involved lots of paperwork,...
Enabling a Fair Gig Economy through Alternative Data
Despite significant contributions of £30 billion annually to the UK economy, independent workers face...
Is SWIFT Behind the 8-ball on Blockchain?
The world’s largest international transaction network has now recognised that tokenisation and...
Banking IT Innovation and Competition Means “Good Enough” is Not Enough for Modern Banking APIs
That open banking thing: done and dusted, right? You sorted that a couple of years ago—we did all that...
Revolutionising the Payment Process for Large Retailers Through SoftPoS
Software Point of Sale, or SoftPoS for short, is a digital solution which allows NFC-enabled smartphones...
Why Banks Must Approach Security and Compliance with Flexibility, and Embrace New Technologies in an Evolving Landscape
- 1 year 8 months ago 04:00 am
- Pete McCaffrey and Girish Menon, Principle Product Management GTM Lead and AVP - Product Engineering at IBM and SunTec Business Solutions
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How Trusting in KYC Automation Can Bring a Faster Path to Revenue
In recent months, there has been a push for digital transformation initiatives to accelerate across the...
How Can Travel Industry Leverage Open Banking to Overcome Challenges
Travel is one of the world’s biggest and crucial service industries in modern times. Statista ...