How Real-Time Alerts Provide a Competitive Advantage
Some companies, especially those in the financial services sector, will put a lot of stock into real-...
Digitising Trade Finance Operations - a Corporate Case Study
Digital transformation, particularly in the realms of international trade and trade finance, has been...
Hello Pay Champions SME Growth in South Africa with Competitive Access to Funding
On the back of two major interest rate hikes in the first half of 2022 alone and rapidly rising costs,...
Cyber Criminals’ Eye South African SMEs Lack of Security
Despite the significant risks, SMEs seem reluctant to take the same digital preventative measures to...
The Vital Role of Fintechs in Addressing the Challenge of Protecting the Vulnerable from Further Harm
We are in a cost of living crisis, with UK inflation at a 40-year high, interest rates at a 13-year high...
How to Use PoPIA Compliance to Benefit your Business
The Protection of Public Information Act (PoPIA) came into force in July last year. The Information...
Moving the Financial Sector to Cloud – Adopting a DevSecOps Approach to Reduce the Risk of a Cybersecurity Storm?
Despite previous hesitancy, financial service providers (FSPs) have begun their migration to the cloud...
With Diverse Communities Comes Diverse Finance: Why We Need to Build More Inclusive Wealth and Investment Services
Over recent years, we have seen the popularity of digital wealth and investment services proliferate as...
Why Businesses Must Play the Loyalty Game
Since the pandemic began, an online shopping boom occurred. Although this was to be expected, the rapid...
In-depth KYC Checks are Boosting the Integrity of Financial Services
As more processes move online cybercrime is on the rise, with online banking processes, and particularly...