Market abuse – a complex problem for compliance teams
Since its introduction, the Retail Distribution Review (RDR) has placed a heavier burden on the...
Now, we have a choice. Collateral. Damaged. Or … Collateral. Managed.
With an estimated $1.2 trillion of additional collateral needed to meet new margin requirements, urgent...
Supply chain visibility for financial health
- 9 years 9 months ago 04:00 am
- Vasu Rajagoplan , Head of supply chain and transportation at Xchanging
How well a company manages its supply chain is reflected now more than ever in the health of its balance...
Mobile Coupons – How SMBs Can Take Advantage
- 9 years 9 months ago 08:00 am
- Jenn Reichenbacher, VP, Marketing and Product Delivery at iPayment, Inc.
If you think mobile coupons and offers are just a fad, it’s time to think again. In fact, they...
Utility or futility? Timing is everything
Imagine the setting: 140 years ago, down a dark Dickensian street in the City of London sits a lonely...
Too big to fail or too big to succeed?
Interesting to see that Martin Wheatley, head of the FCA, is siding with the largest asset...
Physical Wallet v Virtual Wallet
A brief history of what's in your wallet The Credit Card and revolving balance concept arrived in the...
Crowdfunding is overtaking VC and Angel funding levels
Back in 2010 crowdfunding was a fledgling industry. As with much early stage growth, very little of...
MiFID II data disaggregation – be careful what you wish for!
Under MiFID II pre- and post-trade data is required to be made available in an unbundled fashion –...
Can You Manage a Global Investment Portfolio in Excel?
The pace of private investment is changing. In fact, almost everything in the world of private...