Utimaco comment – Identity Management Day

- Nils Gerhardt, Chief Technology Officer at Utimaco
- 12.04.2022 11:00 am #management
Managing identity is one of the key challenges for the modern world; despite living and working in a digital society for decades, we are still seeing major data breaches caused by weak passwords and poor security practices. Meanwhile, around 99% of organisations believe that their identity-related breaches were preventable.
Much of the hardware and software we create at Utimaco is designed to answer a fundamental question: is the person I am interacting with who they say they are? If misuse of a digital identity is to be avoided, identity data must be generated, stored, and processed in a secure manner. Solutions like public and private key architecture and data protection are all based on this basic principle and are a key component to securing digital identities and the overall digital security ecosystem with a secure root of trust.
Manual tools and processes necessitate a great deal of human effort, which can make the process inefficient and prone to error. They also have a tendency to fragment visibility, making remediation more difficult and increasing security risks. For this reason, we welcome the Identity Defined Security Alliance’s focus on identity management, and we add our voice to those calling on decision makers to understand the importance of security best practices, processes, and technology.