Latest news

Startupbootcamp Ditches Demo Day for Nation-Hopping Demo Tour
SmartStream RDU Readies for MiFID
Acorns Goes Green with Launch of Sustainable Investment Portfolio
 Qliro Nordic FinTech Startup Moves Into Savings Account Market
PIN4 Acquires Controlling Stake in HalCash International
Erste Digital Offshoot George Reaches One Million Customer Milestone in Austria
Surety Bank Selects Nymbus to Go Digital-First
Smart Loyalty App Wins ABN Amro ‘Beyond Banking’ Hackathon
Visa Reveals B2B Framework
European Commission Suggests More Robust Supervision of Central Counterparties
 Insurance Entrepreneurs Raise £180M to Bring Protection Challenger to Market
 DefenseStorm Hires Steve Soukup as Chief Revenue Officer
Icon Solutions Partners with T‑Systems Hungary for Icon’s Instant Payments Framework
FlexTrade Wins ITT Award For Best Buy OMS
Datcom Rewards Alex with Internal Promotion